governors of washington (state) câu
washington (state)
Did you mean flights from Washington (State) ?Có phải ý bạn là các chuyến bay từ Washington (Tiểu bang) ? Prices of flights to Washing...

history of washington (state)
History of Washington (state)Lịch sử Washington (state) Military history of Washington (state)Lịch sử Washington (state) Legal histor...

Chưa chắc Washington đã sẵn sàng chấp nhận điều này. 08:00 Trả phòng và ra sân bay Ronald Reagan Washington Airport. Washington Post tiế...

board of governors
Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG).quản trị truyền thông hay BBG (Broadcasting Board of Governors). Chairman of the Board of Govern...

governors of alabama
Governors and Lieutenant Governors of AlabamaThống đốc và Trung úy Thống đốc Alabama The Governors of Alabama, 1975.Thống đốc bang Ala...

governors of alaska
He’ll also meet with the governors of Alaska, Hawaii and Pacific U.S. territories.Ông cũng sẽ gặp các thống đốc bang Alaska, Hawaii và ...

governors of arizona
The Republican governors of Arizona, New Mexico and Texas have committed 1,600 Guard members to the border.Các thống đốc Cộng Hòa của c...

governors of arkansas
Pages in category "Governors of Arkansas"Các trang trong thể loại “Thống đốc Arkansas”

governors of california
Among the more notable signatories to the agreement were the Governors of California and Oregon, and the Chairman of the Klamath Tribes...

governors of connecticut
The governors of Connecticut, Hawaii, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Delaware and the state of Washington, say they will allow refugees.Ngoài D...

governors of florida
The governors of Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia declared states of emergency, warning residents to expect icy roads and...

governors of indiana
The Governors of Indiana.Các thủ phủ của Tiểu bang Indiana.

governors of kentucky
That comes after the ACLU filed lawsuits against the governors of Kentucky and Maryland in early August.Việc đó diễn ra sau khi ACLU lậ...

governors of maine
The first female governors of Maine and South Dakota.Nữ Thống đốc đầu tiên ở Nam Dakota và Maine Governors of MaineThống đốc Maine

governors of maryland
The mayor of the District of Colombia and the governors of Maryland and Virginia were also present, along with the apostolic nuncio in ...

governors of massachusetts
Disaster was only averted after pleas to the family by the governors of Massachusetts and New Hampshire.Cuộc khủng hoảng chỉ được ngăn ...

governors of mississippi
The governors of Mississippi and Alabama have also declared a state of emergency.Các thôg đốc Alabama và Mississippi cũng công bố lệnh ...

governors of nebraska
The governors of Nebraska, Iowa and Wisconsin have declared states of emergency.Cả ba tiểu bang Nebraska, Iowa và Wisconsin đều tuyên b...

governors of oregon
List of Governors of Oregon — This article lists the individuals who have served as Governor of Oregon from the establishment of the Pr...

governors of pennsylvania
1681-1783 List of colonial governors of Pennsylvania1681-1783 Danh sách các thống đốc thuộc địa Pennsylvania 1681–1783 List of colonia...

governors of tennessee
Early in the month, Ned McWherter, Brereton Jones, and Booth Gardner, respectively the governors of Tennessee, Kentucky, and Washington...

governors of texas
Pages in category "Governors of Texas"Các trang trong thể loại “Thống đốc Texas” Its members included the governors of Texas, Indiana,...

governors of virginia
The governors of Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia and Delaware declared states of emergency in advance of the storm, the worst to hit ...

governors-general Extensive list of Governors-General of New Danh sách toàn diện của Toàn quyền New Zealand In 1906, ther...

in state
He used to be in State Security, you know.Ông ta từng chẳng có tiếng tăm gì trong bộ Văn hóa. Only two live in state, but only 1 lives...